Our training is designed with a focus on developing practical skills – which means that we combine best practice processes with real life case studies and current research in a way that can be easily understood and applied.
Managing a Serious Workplace Complaint – 2 day workshop
This workshop is designed for those who manage or provide the primary response to complaints and consists of the following modules:
Investigating to resolve – not to convict – 1 day workshop
This workshop is designed for those who may be relatively new to complaint management or do not have a primary role in the process. It provides an introduction to:
Managing Unreasonable Complainant Conduct (MUCC) – 3 hour workshop
What is Unreasonable Complainant Conduct (UCC)
UCC is behavior by a current or former complainant which, because of its nature or frequency, raises substantial health, safety, resource or equity issues for the parties to a complaint. (Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Manual 2012 – NSW Ombudsman)
UCC can be a disproportionate drain on resources and it can burn out staff.
To reduce the risk of unreasonable conduct occurring and to manage it appropriately when it does, you must have a robust, best practice complaint process in place. It is also important that all of your staff (not just complaint handlers) have an awareness of effective communication and good complaint management.
Ashdale’s 3 hour workshop will provide our staff with:
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct Workshops have been developed by Ashdale Workplace Solutions to help employees understand what their Code of Conduct is, how it relates to them, and how to work within its guidelines.
Our training sessions are based on each organisation’s own Code of Conduct and we explain how ethical principles and decision making can be applied in the day to day duties of employees.
To improve comprehension, each training program is: