
Workplace Investigations

Our investigations are conducted sensitively and discretely, with the primary focus being to gather sufficient information to allow a decision to be made about the most appropriate response to a particular issue. Our investigation process follows the statutory or policy requirements for each situation and we rigidly adhere to the principles of procedural fairness and natural justice.

Operational Reviews

Operational Reviews focus on particular incidents or situations to establish what happened, whether there were any compliance issues and if any organisational improvements can be made. The Review outlines potential risks and makes realistic recommendations to protect all stakeholders. We regularly conduct reviews for government departments, including serious incidents (e.g deaths in custody) and apparent failures in existing policies and procedures.

Complaint Assessment

A full investigation may not always be the best course of action in all cases. Our trained investigators can provide a Complaint Assessment service. This would traditionally include a review of any complaint material and an interview with the complainant which would be followed up with a short report including recommendations for further action.
